Author Archives: Derek Trewarne

82nd Anniversary Service – Battle of Kalamata 30.04.2023

Australian Hellenic Memorial in Birdwood Avenue.
Waiting for the Service to begin.
Wreaths ready to be laid.
A wreath representing the Hellenic Medical Society of Australia.
2/2nd Field Regt. Assoc. wreath at the memorial stone denoted by the Colour Patch.
Officers representing the Royal Australian Air Force
and the Royal New Zealand Airforce.
2/2nd Field Regiment Assoc. Vice President Derek Trewarne
with Ange Kenos, State Executive Member of the RSL
John Clarkson, President of the Victorian Australian Air Force Association. The Association’s striking wreath is comprised of knitted poppies.
(As an aside, John’s grandfather served with Derek Trewarne’s great uncle in the 7th Infantry Bn. at Gallipoli.)

The evacuation Port of Kalamata on the Peloponnese Peninsula was the site of the last battle fought by Australian and New Zealand Troops on mainland Greece. On the night of the 28th April 1941, two companies of the German 5th Panzer Division, with artillery launched a fierce attack on the town and stormed into Kalamata, getting as far as the quay on Navarino Street. The New Zealand and Australian troops counter attacked with fixed bayonets, even though they had not received orders before pitching in. Some 40 Germans were killed and 100 captured. It was during this action that the bravery of Sergeant Jack Hinton of the 20th New Zealand Battalion earned him the Victoria Cross whilst Captain Albert Grey of the Australian 2/6th Battalion was awarded the Military Cross for bravery. Both Hinton and Gray would eventually be captured. On April 29 with the Navy being unable to return and the enemy’s superior strength, the Allied Commander decided to surrender his remaining Troops to avoid further massive bloodshed. (This summary is a part extract of a pamphlet prepared by the ‘Society of Kalamata 23 March’).

2022 AGM & Annual Dinner of the 2/2nd Field Regiment.

Seated, Veteran Bill Rowe (VX 141086). Back row L to R, Regt. Assoc. Committee member Kim Sparks, Denise Fetherstonhaugh & Win Stewart.
L to R. Jenny Trewarne, Regt. Assoc. Committee member Terry Cole & Lee Fallon.
L to R. Jan Weller, Val Leech, Gregor McDonald & Richard McDonald.
L to R. Mathew Maley, Jessica Merlo, Christine Merlo, Regt. Assoc. Committee Secretary Mel Johnson, & Mathew Fallon.
L to R. Frank Foley, Sue Foley, Denise Fetherstonhaugh, Regt. Assoc. Committee Member Terry Cole, Barry Hodder, Ron Fauvel & Margaret Wood.
L to R. Peter Cleverly, Jane Cleverly, Roger Wood, Robert Withers, Robyn Rowe, Veteran Bill Rowe & Win Stewart.
Regt. Assoc. Committee President Malcolm Fallon, Lee Fallon & Regt. Assoc. Newsletter Editor David Jaboor.
L to R. Newly awarded Life Member Terry Cole, Regt. Assoc. President Malcolm Fallon and Veteran Bill Rowe, also a Life Member. Terry has served on the Committee for many years and held the position of Secretary for a number of those years. He is currently the Archivist.
L to R. Denise Fetherstonhaugh, Win Stewart & Regt. Assoc. Treasurer Kim Taunt.
Veteran Bill Rowe (VX 141086) with immediate Past President of the Regt. Assoc., Derek Trewarne.

President’s report to AGM 2022

2/2 Field Regiment Association

2021-22 Annual Report from the President

Welcome Life Members, Members and Friends to the 83rd Annual General meeting of the 2/2 Field Regiment Association.

I have pleasure in presenting to you my first report as President of the Association.

It has been a humbling and heart-warming experience to be invited to wreath laying and remembrance celebrations of Kindred Associations and hear the esteem and reverence our forebears, the 2/2 Regiment is held in and of their heroic actions of 80 years past still being fondly recalled.

It has also been a wonderful learning experience personally and I thank the Committee, Members and Organisations for their warm support, advice and encouragement.

The Association has been represented at several functions with wreaths laid on behalf of the Association at the following;

25 March 2022        Hellenic Independence Day         Hellenic Memorial  Wreath laying

25 April 2022          ANZAC Day                                        Shrine                        March

22 May 2022            Battle of Crete Memorial Day       Shrine                        Wreath laying

ANZAC Day was memorable for being able to march again and even more so to have Veteran / Life Member Bill Rowe participating in the march. A good turnout of descendants ensured the Association was noted with Bill receiving the accolades he deserved.

Covid continued to present challenges for all of us both personally and professionally. With the easing of restrictions we have some semblance of normal returning but I believe it is the “new normal” as the old normal has passed by everyone. As disastrous as it has been we have adapted to new and in some ways better practices and shown true spirit and what innovation can lead us to achieve.

The Committee has met quarterly in March, June and October at ANZAC House and by electronic meetings each attaining a quorum to allow business to proceed.

My thanks to the Committee in Derek, Mel, Kim T, David, Terry, Kim S and John for their willingness to set direction for the future, provide guidance and their learned past knowledge of the Association.  

Major features of the year are the development of the 5 year Plan for the Association (2022-2027), and the work undertaken to have the Association become an Incorporated Body, both listed for General Business. It would be remiss though to not acknowledge David Jaboor for his expertise, energy, commitment and time to have the Association registered. The 5 year plan in part revolves around being an Incorporated Body.

A couple of items are now available in the form of lanyards, pens, coffee mugs and puffer vests all with the 2/2 patch on them at rounded up cost price per item All proceeds to go into the Association.

Lanyards & Pens       $5 each

Coffee mugs               $12 each (limited amount but can order more if demand warrants)

Puffer vest                  $60 each (orders taken due to sizing requirements)

Key rings                    N/A at present (looking for cheaper price)

I have ensured suppliers are Australian companies and printing is done in Australia.

A pro-forma has been developed to create some stories of Diggers for content in ACTION FRONT and on our website. Please take a form with you today, fill it in and return so it may be published. ACTION FRONT needs your support for content. Our twice yearly publication has been continuous since 1939, it is our responsibility to ensures it continues. This form will also be available to download on the web site shortly.

We are about to start the process of scanning every ACTION FRONT thus making them available to read on the web site when done. This will ensure they are kept for prosperity. My thanks to Terry Cole for kindly making them available to be scanned.

Finally, I wish to again acknowledge and thank Secretary Mel Johnson for her dedication, commitment and guidance as Secretary of the 2/2 Field Regiment Association to not only me but all past Presidents since 2013. A job well done.

Again, thank you all for your support. Keep well and look after and support each other.

Kindest regards

Malcolm Fallon

Mobile:          0417 32 6970


Anzac Day 2022

Veteran: Gunner Bill Rowe VX 141086
John & Derek Trewarne, sons of Lt. W Trewarne VX 911
Committee Members Kim Taunt & John Trewarne & others. Flinders Street
The lady in the blue coat is Bill Rowe’s daughter Robyn.
Centre – The Jaboor family

Gathering for the start of the march in Flinders Street
After the march at the Shrine
Group pic at the Shrine

A brief report from the Regiment’s Association President – August 2020

Cancellation of the 2020 AGM/Annual Dinner in October. Unfortunately, due to the current and ongoing situation with the Pandemic, the decision has been made to cancel the Regimental Association AGM/Annual Dinner this year. My fellow office-bearers and committee members have agreed to continue on in their same positions and I wish to thank them for their support and the good work they have done and continue to do for the Association. In particular I wish to thank Secretary – Mel Johnson; Treasurer – Kim Taunt; Editor – David Jaboor and Web Master – Kim Sparkes.

Anzac tour to Greece and Crete in 2021. The Association has received an invitation from the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand to join a tour for the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Crete. You will find details on a separate posting. Along with other Association members, I attended a 70th anniversary tour in 2011 which was a most memorable and moving experience.

75th Anniversary of the end of WW2 – Victory in the Pacific. We especially remember all veterans for their service and sacrifice around this time. Please continue to stay in contact with veterans and/or descendants known to you at this difficult period.

Finally, the year ahead. Assuming things will be back to normal next year, I look forward to seeing you at the 2021 Anzac Day March and next years AGM/Annual Dinner. I am very pleased that long serving committee member Terry Cole has agreed to be our speaker. His topic will be “The Brallos Pass Action – a minor epic for the 2/2nd Field Regiment”

Stay safe and well,

Derek Trewarne, President 2/2nd Field Regiment Association

Greek ‘OHI Day’ (‘No Day’) Commemorative Service 28th October 2019

Greek ‘OHI Day’ or (‘No Day’) is a significant day in modern Greek History. On October 28, 1940, in response to a demand from the Italian Ambassador in Athens to unconditional surrender, Greek Prime Minister Metaxas said ‘Oxi’, which means no in Greek! Italy then invaded and so began the Greek Campaign which officially culminated with the Battle of Crete in May 1941. A well trained and resourceful Greek Army drove the much larger Italian Force out of Greece and it wasn’t till Germany invaded in April 1941 that Greece finally succumbed.

The following pictures were taken at this year’s Commemorative Service at the Shrine.

2nd/2nd Field Regiment Association Wreath
Wreaths were laid at the Australian Hellenic Memorial (Domain Gardens)
Father Sinesios Frangos gave the Prayer for the Fallen.
From LHS – Steve Kyritsis, President RSL Hellenic Sub-Branch; Ms Jenny Cotton CSC Deputy Commissioner, Dept of Veteran Affairs; Dimitrios Michopoulos, Consular General of Greece in Melbourne; and second from RHS, John Cullen representing the Victorian Branch of the RSL.
The Ceremony in the Central Sanctuary of the Shrine at the Stone of Remembrance.
RSL Hellenic Sub Branch. Memorial Hall, Ferrars Street, South Melbourne.
At the luncheon that followed the Ceremonies, there was a presentation to the RSL Hellenic Sub Branch of a Print showing the gallant but badly damaged Greek Warship ‘Adrias’ as it limped into the Port of Alexandria, to the resounding cheers of Allied sailors lining the decks of ships at anchor.

Report and pictures by Derek Trewarne

Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance

Western view of the Shrine
Eastern view of the Shrine
The eternal flame and adjoining monument
Olive tree on the east side of the Shrine near Birdwood Avenue.
Plaque at the base of the Olive tree near Birdwood Avenue.
Plaque at the base of the Olive tree near Birdwood Avenue.
The 2nd/2nd Plaque is at the base of this large Pin Oak tree on the RHS approach to the Shrine just before the forecourt.
2nd/2nd Regiment Plaque at the base of the Pin Oak tree.


The 2/2nd Field Regiment Association has received an invitation to the 2019 ANZAC, Greece and Crete Reunion. There will be a special presentation from Ms. Megan Spenser on the AWM podcast ‘From a Whisper to a Bang’ which features the Battle of Crete. The reunion will be held at the Education Centre at the Shrine of Remembrance on Sunday 6th October 2019 at 2:00 pm. Entry is free and light refreshments will be served. RSVP is by Wednesday 25th September 2019 so please let our Secretary Mel Johnson ( know ASAP if you would like to attend.

Commemorative Service for the 78th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete – 26.05.2019

The Commemorative Service started with a colourful parade up the forecourt of the Shrine followed by a Service and laying of wreathes at the base of the ‘Eternal Flame’ Memorial. A wreath was laid on behalf on the 2/2nd Field Artillery Regiment Association by Secretary Mel Johnson and myself.

This was followed by a further Service at the Australian Hellenic Memorial in Birdwood Avenue.

D. Trewarne. 26.05.2019